Welcome to Steve's web junkyard. We specialize in top-quality web-salvage. Visit a while, you'll probably find something that you just can't do without.

The artwork is from a series of ads for American Bosch Arma by Frank Tinsley.
Check out the various facets of my site:
Here's a full site-map index of Steve's stuff:
Steve at Work
Steve at Play
- Antique Electronics and Vintage Solid State
- Steve Strong’s chassis stands
- Harvey Radio Labs 205 TS Sweep Generator and 188 TS Oscilloscope
- NEVEE 6 Test Equipment Report
- MIT Flea Test Equipment Report - August 2022
- HP 456A AC Current Probe
- HP 413A Null Meter restoration
- MIT Measurement Lab resistance standards
- Homebrew 100K Ω Resistance Standard
- HP 3456A Digital Voltmeter
- DuMont 405 VTVM
- General Radio 1806-A Manuals
- Triplett meter feet
- RCA WV-98C Senior VoltOhmyst VTVM Restoration
- Technology Instrument Corp Knob
- Centralab Rotary Switches
- Triplett 850 VTVM Restoration
- Reproduction battery for General Radio 1232-A Tuned Amplifier and Null Detector
- 60 Hz Filter for the HP 6920B
- Waveforms, Inc
- Heathkit HM-10-A Tunnel Dipper
- Heathkit GD-1250 high frequency coil
- Heathkit IM-13 VTVM Restoration
- Eico 320 Signal Generator Restoration
- Heathkit IM-28 VTVM Restoration
- Homebrew Switchable VTVM Probe
- Switchable VTVM Probes
- RCA WG-299D Probe Repair
- Precision E-200-C Signal Generator Restoration
- RCA WV-97A Senior VoltOhmyst code 850 serial 8799 restoration
- History of Precision's Signal Generators
- 1958 Transitron Catalog
- RCA WV-98C(K) Assembly Instructions
- Hickok 277X Signal Generator restoration
- Hickok 288X chart.pdf
- Park Metalware (Xcelite) Nut Drivers
- Clough-Brengle Model OM-A Frequency Modulated Oscillator
- Clough-Brengle Model OC Signal Generator
- Clough-Brengle Model 79-B Beat Frequency Oscillator
- General Radio 1203-A/B Unit Power Supplies
- HP/Harrison 6202B Power Supply
- Lectrotech Lectrocell
- HP 6920B Meter Calibrator
- Letrocell.pdf
- RCA WV-97A code 850 serial 8799.pdf
- Triplett 630-APLK Type 5 VOM Unboxing
- Regency AR-136 Flight Monitoradio
- Bench lighting – Luxo Magnifier
- Analysis of DC zero circuit in the HP 3466A DMM
- Erectronics potentiometer
- Sylvania Polymeter 134 and 134Z Manuals
- Tektronix 454A loose BNC
- Krohn-Hite UHR-220 Power Supply
- Tektronix 2213 focus repair
- Probe accessories for the GR 1806-A VTVM
- Ballantine Model 300-E Sensitive Electronic Voltmeter Instruction Manual
- Uniden BC-50XL Scanner service manual
- Krohn-Hite 430-AB Audio Oscillator
- Information and parts suppliers for the restoration and repair of vintage test equipment
- V-M Model 800 Changer Restoration
- Detrola 448 Radio/Phono (Updated)
- Micronta 22-204C Range-Doubler VOM
- Lafayette S-9 Radio/Phonograph
- 22-204A Multimeter.pdf
- AN/URM-25F Signal Generator
- Firestone 4-A-159
- RCA WV-97A Senior VoltOhmyst VTVM
- Measurements Corp VTVMs
- Laboratory VTVM - McMurdo Silver.pdf
- Knight-Kit 83-Y-135 Signal Tracer
- Weller W-TCP-K military soldering kit
- Weller W-TCP soldering iron
- Leeds and Northrup KS-10376 Null Voltage Test Set
- Hakko 472-1 Desoldering Tool
- Mike Higgins' Hickok tube tester calibration monograph
- URM-105C ME-77C Battery Replacement
- Eico 315 RF Signal Generator Redux
- Boonton Radio Corp 202-G FM-AM Signal Generator
- Electronic Instrument Companies in Boonton, NJ
- Philco 37-665X console
- NEARC Spring 2017 Radio Show
- General Radio 483-C Output Meter
- MIT Flea Photos - May 2017
- Chuck Ochs table
- Chuck Ochs
- Setup in the outside lot
- Heathkit CO-1015 Ignition Analyzer
- A pocket scope?
- Sel-Son CRT Substituter Model CS-5
- Sel-Son CS-5 CRT Substituter internals
- Sel-Son CS-5 CRT Substituter
- Stromberg Carlson PA amplifier
- Storage Battery Systems STT2V150 Storage Battery
- Hewlett Packard 3581A Wave Analyzer
- Microwave Crystal Test Set Type 391
- High voltage capactors
- Scope shopper
- Endevco model 27405 Shock Amplifier
- Tektronix 184 Time-Mark Generator
- Tektronix 2445B and 2236 Oscilloscopes
- Boonton 102D FM-AM Signal Generator
- Harrison Laboratories 6204A D.C. Power Supply
- HP 436A Power Meter
- Omega Thermistor Thermometer
- MPB Technologies EMT Driver model 901
- IMG_3864
- Datum Time Code Generator/Translator Model 9300
- Delmonico Nivico All Transistor All Wave
- Trans Oceanic clone
- Delmonico Nivico All Transistor All Wave
- Al Krysieniel
- Potomac Instruments AG-51 Audio Signal Generator
- Hitachi Waveform Monitor V-079 and Vectorscope V-069
- Meters, Tube Caddy, and Cookie Press
- Data Precision 3600 DMM, HP 59501B Isolated DAC/Power Supply Programmer
- John Moran's setup
- Bill the tube guy
- BAPCO Safety Analyzer Model SA115
- Collaro record changer
- Tektronix T935 oscilloscope
- Tektronix 2430A
- Elevator control panel
- Fluke 8012A DMM and Weston Model 911 Laboratory Milliammeter
- Melles Griot Nanotrak
- Flea market stuff
- Computers
- Tools
- Enigma Cipher Machines
- Panasonic AM/FM/8-track stereo portable
- Panasonic AM/FM/8-track stereo portable
- Solar Type CB-1-60 Capacitor Analyzer
- Masterwork reel to reel tape recorder
- BC-1255-A Het Monitor
- Hallicrafters S-38
- Hi FI gear
- RCA Stereo portable record player
- Toshiba AM/FM tabletop radio
- Realistic Patrolman Scanner Receiver
- Regency crystal-controlled scanner
- GE AM/FM Personal Portable Radio
- Sonar and RCA scanners
- F/isher Audio Component System
- Tenma 20 MHz Oscilloscope w/Function Generator, Model 72-6805
- Tenma 175 MHz Universal Counter Model 72-4095
- Tektronix 475 Oscilloscope with DM44 Digital Multimeter Option
- Eico Resistance Decade Model 1171
- ector-Vid R-C Circuit Box WC412B
- Late-arriving vendor
- Parking Garage Level 2
- More Level 2
- Heathkit RLC Bridge IB-5281 and Universal Power Supply
- Harmon Kardon Model 520 stereo receiver
- View from my table
- PDP 11/23
- Lots of parts.
- Clips, probes, tip plugs, and banana plugs
- Jones plugs and sockets
- KLH Model 20
- Sony Stereo Music System HP-610A
- KLH FM Tuner
- Pilot R300 stereo receiver
- B&K Model 960 Transistor Radio Analyst
- Eico 950 Resistance-Capacitance-Comparator Bridge and Triplett 2432 Signal Generator
- Cornell-Dublier Decade Capacitor boxes
- Heathkit IG-5280 RF Oscillator
- RCA Power-line Monitor
- B&W Model 374 Dummy Load – Wattmeter
- Superior Instruments Co. signal generator
- Bell & Howell Schools 5 MHz Oscilloscope
- Heathkit IT-3120 FET/Transistor Tester
- Sencore Deluxe CB Analyzer Model CB42
- Browning Golden Eagle CB
- IMG_3946
- IMG_3947
- IMG_3948
- Majestic Super-B Current Supply
- ME9 H/U Multimeter with MX-815 B/U Multiplier Kit
- Industrial Instruments Resistance Decade
- Weller EC 1002 Soldering Stations
- Outside lot
- Outside lot
- Scott RΒΟ-2 Morale Receiver
- National HRO-5
- Hallicrafters HT-40 Transmitter
- Crosley 51 Radio
- HP 202D Audio Oscillator, HP 651B Test Oscillator, and HP 400C AC VTVM
- HP 202D Audio Oscillator
- HP 200CD Audio Oscillator
- Eico 214 VTVM
- Heathkit AM-2 SWR Bridge, ID-4101 Electronic Switch,IM-5228 VTVM
- Sprague Q-Line semiconductors
- Toroidal coil winding machine
- Antique soldering irons
- National Technical Schools NTS-468 VTVM
- The tool guy
- GR 483 catalog F3 page 2.pdf
- GR 483 catalog F3 page 1.pdf
- Battery testing
- 2017-539bc-calibration.html
- Signal-powered signal squarer
- Keithley Model 1201 cathode follower probe
- Hunter Compton battery scans
- Signal injector pens
- Record Changer Work Stand
- Sal Brisindi Capacitor Challenge
- NEARC Spring Meet
- Al Lein homebrew test equipment
- Quig tools
- Micronta test leads?
- Philco 46-1209 restoration
- What to do with a Philco 46-1209 console?
- Motorola 63X2
- RCA Master VoltOhmyst WV-87B
- Simpson 383A Capacohmeter 1966 version
- VTVMs with active RF probes
- HP 650A Output Divider Cable
- RCA Master VoltOhmyst WV-87A
- Non-Linear Systems MS-215 Miniscope
- Simpson Model 383A Capacohmeter
- Zenith H845Y restoration
- HP 400C oscillation
- HP-400C-schematic.pdf
- General Radio 1214-A Unit Oscillator
- Heathkit IP-5220 Variable Isolated AC Power Supply
- Lambda 26 high voltage power supply
- RCA WG-289 HV Probe
- Spring 2015 NEAR-fest report
- Clive Sinclair's Transistor Superhet Receivers
- Sinclair-TransistorSuperhetReceivers.pdf
- RCA Strato-World 3-BX-671
- McMurdo Silver Model 904 Capacitance Resistance Bridge
- Ungar soldering iron components
- Triplett No. 639-OS meter case
- Meter collection
- Calibration plans
- Unidentified Motorola AC/DC AM/FM transistor radio Model TT11EH
- HP 200CD serial number 739
- Ancient Micronta R-4002 VOM
- Western Electric KS-10376 Null Voltage Test Set
- Triplett or Simpson?
- Ungar Standard Line soldering irons
- Triplett 630-M
- Capacitor Leakage Test Fixture
- Triplett 800 VOM
- Triplett 850 VTVM
- Eico 315 Signal Generator
- V-M 1232 record changer restoration
- Power Designs 2K-10 HV connector
- Voice of Music 307 Stereo Phonograph electronics restoration
- Zenith 5D811 restoration
- Silver Model 904 ad.pdf
- Good-All Type 623 capacitors
- Electrolytic can oddity
- MIT EE Stockroom Cleanout, Part 2
- HP 410B restoration
- Simpson model 59 panel meter, 150V AC
- General Radio 602-J Decade Resistance Box
- GR_602-J_Calibration_Log.pdf
- Vide-O-belisk
- Vide-O-belisk.jpg
- Weller 8200 Repair
- Triplett 310 VOM repair
- Weston Analyzer Model 980
- MIT EE Stockroom Cleanout, Part 1
- HP Test Equipment
- Wayne-Kerr B801 VHF Admittance Bridge
- Housings for RF probes
- Krohn-Hite 3202 Variable Filter
- Cushman CE-21 Frequency Selective Levelmeter
- Workshop Photos
- Vintage Audio
- Shortwave Radio
- Electronics
- Retrocomputing
- Commodore 64C computer
- Commodore 64C original box
- Original packing material for the 64C
- The 64C unboxed
- 64C bottom view
- 64C right rear view
- 64C left rear view
- 64C right side view
- 64C right side view ports
- 64C left side view
- 64C power supply and disk cables
- 64C video switch
- 64C joysticks
- 64C System Guide
- 64C Introductory Guide
- Don Cassel book "Graphics, Sound and Music for the Commodore 64"
- 1541C original box
- 1541C front view
- 1541C top view
- 1541C rear view
- 1541C bottom view
- 1541C front close-up view
- Commodore 64 Assembler diskette
- 1541C user's guide
- Mac OS X 10.5.8 and Canoscan 8400F
- What a real computer looks like
- Mac Museum
- Commodore 64C computer
- Model Rocketry
- Model Railroading
- Photography
- Everything Else
- Steve's Virtual Yard Sale
- Philco 46-1209 chassis parts
- Ground lead and tips for General Radio 1806-A AC probe
- Tektronix "QuickStart Guide to 2400 Series Digial Oscilloscopes"
- Micronta 22-201U VOM
- SOLD: Tektronix "2440 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Operators" manual
- SOLD: Antique Homebrew Radio
- SOLD: Broken Leeds & Northrup Galvanometer
- SOLD: Toshiba 6TP-385
- SOLD: Heathkit C-3 Condenser Checker
- No longer for sale: HP 5360A computing counter